The Sacrifices First-Time Home Buyers Make to Purchase a Home

Dreams do come true! The American Dream of having a place to call home where you can raise a family and create a lifetime of memories can bring about sacrifices as well.  So what types of sacrifices are first-time home buyers willing to make in order to make that dream come true?  

Here’s a survey from the 2014 National Association of Home Buyers and Sellers:

  All Buyers
Cut spending on luxury items or non-essential items


Cut spending on entertainment


Cut spending on clothes


Canceled vacation plans


Earned extra income through a second job


Sold a vehicle or decided not to purchase a vehicle


Did not need to make any sacrifices


Last year, the guidelines for qualifying on a loan to purchase a home were increased, but the record-low mortgage rates are allowing more buyers to purchase homes.  Therefore, this survey validates the importance of owning a home and making that American Dream come true.

Central Virginia Real Estate Tax Rates

Below are the tax rates for the various central Virginia counties as of January 2015.  You should verify the rate with the county prior to making a real estate purchase as these rates may change over time.

Albemarle County .799
Amherst County .56
Augusta County .56
Buckingham County .50
Charlottesville .95
Fluvanna County .88
Greene County .72
Louisa County .68
Madison County .68
Nelson County .72
Orange County .804